Activate Your Feminine Radiance, Unlock Your Aliveness, and Turn Up Your Magnetism

Yes, I'm Ready to Come Alive!

Activate Your Feminine Radiance, Unlock Your Aliveness, and Turn Up Your Magnetism

Yes, I'm Ready to Come Alive!

Gorgeous Woman, I see you.


You're an ambitious woman who has big goals and dreams. 

You have a deep desire to create a big beautiful life and to be the best version of yourself.

The Problem?

You live in a society that over-values hustle, productivity and success, so you find it hard to slow down and enjoy your life. 

Even though you want to be 'in flow' and want things to be easier, you find it hard to get out of 'doing' mode and keep pushing yourself past your limits....which leaves you feeling overwhelmed instead of energized.

You know that there IS another way to live.

Your soul is craving more pleasure, more aliveness, and more joy. And you have gotten to the point where you are ready to make a change.

The Solution?

Learning how to reconnect with your TRUE feminine essence so that you can come back home to your most magnetic, radiant, and authentic self.

THIS is the key to creating the beautiful, pleasurable, and fulfilling life that you came here for... with effortless ease.

I want you to know that you can have all of this magic... and SO much more!


  • Being less reactive and going with the flow 
  • Having deeper intimacy and passion in your sex life
  • Receiving more abundance without working so hard
  • Having supportive girlfriends that really ‘get’ you
  • Feeling more confident and sexy in your body 
  • Being less anxious and more present in your life
  • Experiencing more ease, connection, and joy

You know that this is all available to you…

But you just don’t know HOW.

Don’t worry Queen, you don’t have to figure this out on your own, I’m here to guide you.

"After going through the Feminine Codes program, I finally see myself as a Divine Feminine being. I feel more connected to my spirituality and sensuality than ever before. Going through this program helped me to develop my intuition and find my truest self!"   - Berlin W.


"This program helped me to get more in tune with myself. I feel like I am back to making time for myself despite my full schedule. I’m implementing little self-care and spiritual practices daily that I wasn’t before." - Melissa R.


Hi Beautiful Soul!


I’m Amy Natalie, Women’s Empowerment Coach and Feminine Embodiment Guide. 

I know what it's like to feel disconnected from your Feminine energy. For most of my 20s I lived in masculine overdrive and it left me feeling physically depleted and emotionally depressed.

It wasn't until I hit rock bottom with my health and reached a tipping point in my marriage that I realized that something had to change. This is when my spiritual journey began and I discovered that my soul was begging me to reconnect with the Sacred Feminine.

As I invited more Feminine energy into my life, my physical and emotional health completely transformed. My relationships improved, I attracted more abundance in my business, and I started to experience more pleasure, peace, and joy than ever before.

I created The Feminine Codes to help unlock your Feminine energy once and for all.

The six Feminine Codes that you will discover are the exact principles and practices that supported me to reconnect with my body, heart, and soul.

In this self-paced journey, you’ll receive the spiritual tools, wisdom, and embodiment practices to come back home to yourself.

Ready to answer the call of your soul?

See you inside! 


Amy Natalie


 A 6-week spiritual journey to get out of overwhelm and embody the radiant, powerful, and sensual woman that you are.

You'll Receive: 

  • 6 x Feminine Codes workshops to activate your Feminine wisdom and elevate your frequency
  • 2x bonus guest teaching workshops on the topics of Feminine Beauty and Healing Your Menstrual Cycle
  • 1 x Embodiment session to embody your Feminine power and awaken your self-expression
  • Guided meditations to ignite your intuition and open your your hearT
  • Journal prompts and embodiment practices to integrate the Feminine principles into your life
  • Bonus resources and guest trainings to expand your wisdom and support your growth

Feminine Codes Curriculum


Code #1 Deepen Your Devotion

Cultivate daily spiritual practices to align with your soul and connect to your feminine energy.

Code #2 Activate Your Intuition

Turn up the volume of your inner knowing to make heart-led decisions from a place of self-trust and confidence. 

Code #3 Alchemize Your Emotions

Create space for your feminine emotions to flow through you and open to experience more peace, love, and joy.

Code #4 Honor Your Cyclical Nature

Align with the moon cycles, the seasons, and your own cyclical nature with your monthly cycle.

Code #5 Awaken Your Pleasure

Connect to your feminine sensuality and infuse the energy of juicy yummy pleasure into your everyday life.

Code #6 Embody Your Magnetism

Embody your magnetic feminine expression to attract from a place of ease and flow.

  • Faith Over Fear Masterclass - discover how to tell the difference between your intuition and your fear so that you can make soul-aligned decisions and stop letting your doubts and insecurities get in the way of your dream life.
  • Art of Receiving Masterclass - a 90-minute manifesting workshop to learn the feminine art of receiving to attract your desires with effortless ease.
  • 3 Feminine Embodiment Classes - dive into the world of feminine embodiment with guided transformational movement sessions to connect with your feminine power, your sensuality, and your most authentic self.


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Meet your guide...

Hi love, I'm Amy Natalie!

As a women’s empowerment coach and certified Embody teacher, I’m here to guide you back home to your soul and to create a life that lights you up. 

Before I started on my spiritual journey in 2016, I struggled with depression, anxiety, and chronic health issues.

I was following the societal formula for success, but instead, I found myself unhealthy, unhappy, and uninspired.

My life looked picture perfect on the outside, I was married, owned a house, and was running my own business, but I couldn’t understand why I felt so unfulfilled and empty on the inside.

I turned to self-help books, listened to podcasts, and worked with therapists. Eventually, I hit my rock bottom and felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I remember sitting in my bathtub, feeling helpless and hopeless, which is when I finally cried out to the Universe for support.

From the moment I surrendered, my entire life transformed. 

I got divorced when I was 27 years old, learned how to overcome depression, and finally living the life that my soul was destined for.

Shortly after my spiritual awakening, I was guided to learn about the Divine Feminine energy and I haven't turned back since.

My greatest joy is empowering women to live a life that is true to their soul, a life where they can be their authentic selves, and experience pleasure, passion, and joy! 

  How It Works:

  • You sign up!
  • You receive a welcome email with an intro video and some journal prompts
  • You receive a login for your member portal and where you will get access to all of the material!
  • After each session you will receive ‘soul work’ to integrate the codes into your life
  • You start experiencing the Feminine magic in your life!



"Working with Amy has helped me to soften into my Feminine energy in ALL areas of my life. As a busy entrepreneur, I found myself operating in my masculine in my business and in my relationships. I used to feel like I had to control everything and I finally learned how to go with the flow and surrender. Now that I have embodied the Feminine Codes, I spend less time working and more time enjoying my life, all while still being productive. "

- Holly M.

"I've always felt that I did not fit in anywhere. After reconnecting with my Feminine energy, I now know it was never the goal for me to fit in but to be my authentic self and shine a light of love on this world. I've also been able to share the practices from the Feminine Codes to support the women in my family in a more loving way. 

- Kiariie B.



The doors are open for you to experience life with The Feminine Codes.

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