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Are you tired of second-guessing yourself, overthinking, and constantly seeking validation from others? 


Are you ready to step into your power, trust your intuition, and feel empowered to make soul-aligned decisions? 

If so, the Self-Trust Mastery Workshop was designed specifically for you.

In this live training, you’ll learn how to cultivate a deep sense of self-trust to make decisions and confidently take action towards your dreams. 

We’ll explore how to differentiate between your intuition and fear so that you can honor your inner voice and listen to your inner knowing.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a new blueprint for how to start trusting yourself wholeheartedly to lead a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Join us for this transformational workshop to dive deeper on your journey of self-discovery, authenticity, and empowerment. 

With love & devotion,

Amy Natalie

  • Learn how to trust your intuition and overcome any fears that are standing in the way of following your Truth
  • Get unstuck when it comes to making important decisions in your relationships, your career, your health, and/or your business
  • Stop wasting time second-guessing yourself and feel ready to step into your power to take action towards your dreams 
  • Get out of your mind and into your body so that you can listen to the intuitive wisdom that your soul already has to offer
  • Trust yourself to communicate your needs, desires, and boundaries in your personal and professional relationships 


Learn how to listen to your inner voice to get clear on your true desires so that you can make decisions that are in alignment with your Truth


Develop a confidence-based  mindset to know that you are worthy and capable of creating a soul-led life that is filled with freedom and fulfillment


Tap into your inner strength to overcome your fears and take courageous action towards your unconventional dreams, desires, and goals 

Hello Beautiful,

For the past 8 years, I've been guiding women on their Feminine awakening journeys to become the most confident, liberated, and authentic versions of themselves. 

After going through my own personal journey of struggling with chronic depression, feeling depleted, and getting divorced at 27 years old, I finally decided that it was time to take personal responsibility and transform my life from the inside out. 

Over the years, I learned how to reprogram my mindset, connect to my intuition, and embody my feminine magic. This has led to manifesting my dream clients, attracting epic soul sisters, and calling in the most wonderful soul-aligned romantic partnership.

And now I’m here to teach you how to deepen your self-trust so that you can get unstuck and create the life you've been dreaming of. 

I can't wait to share this empowerment magic with you.

See you inside the workshop!

Hello Beautiful,

For the past 8 years, I've been guiding women on their Feminine awakening journeys to become the most confident, liberated, and authentic versions of themselves. 

After going through my own personal journey of struggling with chronic depression, feeling depleted, and getting divorced at 27 years old, I finally decided that it was time to take personal responsibility and transform my life from the inside out. 

Over the years, I learned how to reprogram my mindset, connect to my intuition, and embody my feminine magic. This has led to manifesting my dream clients, attracting epic soul sisters, and calling in the most wonderful soul-aligned romantic partnership.

And now I’m here to teach you how to deepen your self-trust so that you can get unstuck and create the life you've been dreaming of. 

I can't wait to share this empowerment magic with you.

See you inside the workshop!

Before working with Amy, I was really struggling with uncertainty and felt afraid of the unknown.

Now I feel more in my body than I ever have. I've gained the tools to handle big emotions and really start to truly trust myself again.

Through this work, I was able to end a misaligned romantic relationship, use my voice to speak my truth, and got clear on my soul-calling!

- Mackenzie

Working with Amy is truly a gift. With her mentorship and guidance, I let go of people pleasing, connected with my intuition, stepped into my power, and so much more.

In my romantic relationship, I learned how to have vulnerable courageous conversations to express my needs and desires to show up fully as my authentic self - & we are now closer than ever!

I feel so free & I want this feeling for every woman!!!

- Landis

I’m excited to share that I've been showing up consistently for my daily practices, and I’ve finally been able to reconnect with my emotions after a years of suppressing them.

In addition to feeling more confident in my relationships, I also gained clarity on the direction I want to go with my soul calling.

Through working with Amy, I have evolved into a more authentic and courageous woman.

- Niloofar

Self-Trust Mastery Workshop

August 22nd from 6-8:30pm EST

Hosted by Amy Natalie

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